Massage Therapy in Haines, Alaska
Helena Muench Massage & Bodywork

Get a massage in Haines, AK

Relaxing and therapeutic massage sessions available


Massage Therapy Can Help-

Manage low-back pain

Relieve stress

Help chronic neck pain

Decrease migraine frequency

Decrease symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Reduce anxiety

Reduce muscle tension

Relieve postoperative pain

Help fibromyalgia pain

Enhance exercise performance

Relieve tension headaches

Improve sleep

Ease symptoms of depression

Improve cardiovascular health

Reduce pain of osteoarthritis

Decrease stress in cancer patients

Improve balance in older adults

Decrease rheumatoid arthritis pain

Lower blood pressure

Increase range of motion

Lower joint replacement pain

Improve quality of life in hospice care

Reduce chemotherapy-related nausea


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